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Julia song and her friend Patrick have to decide on a project to make for the state fair. Julia's mother suggests growing silkworms just like Julia did in Korea before moving. Patrick loved the idea but julia wanted something more American. They agree on making silkworms. Julia discovered that patrick har a phobia of caterpillars. Patrick filmed some of the stages so far but it happens to be that when they want to film one of the stages, they face a problem opening it. They open it and couldn't film them because it wasn't showing. Kenny (Julia's brother) suggests putting one of them in a glass jar and they agree. They put it in the glass jar and film the life cycle and the part when they make silk. Finally the project turned out perfect just as they wanted.

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The carton got stuck closed and then Julia cut the carton with scirrors and look inside but Patrick still can't fit the lens in the carton so Patrick can't film the silk worns.

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Q: What is the summary of project mulberry?
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What is Julia's brother's name in Project Mulberry?

Julia's brother's name in Project Mulberry is Kenny.

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look in the cover of the book

How many silkworms did Julia boil in project mulberry?

Julia had to boil 5 silkworms.

What is synposis of a project?

A synopsis of a project: is a brief summary of what the project is, how you went about the project, and how you got your final conclusion

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An abstract in this context is a brief summary to help the reader quickly understand the project's purpose. It should sufficiently and interestingly describe the project's purpose so that a brief scan will entice the viewer to peruse the entire exhibit.

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A main summary task is the highest level task in a project, typically representing the entire project. A summary task is a task that groups related subtasks under it to provide a higher-level overview of those tasks. Essentially, a main summary task is at the top level of the project hierarchy, while a summary task is used for organizing and structuring subtasks within a project.

What is the summary statement for project planning?

The summary statement for project planning is a concise overview of the project's objectives, scope, timeline, resources, and key stakeholders. It outlines the project's purpose, deliverables, and success criteria. The summary statement serves as a high-level guide for the project team and stakeholders to understand the project's goals and how it will be executed. It is essential for aligning everyone involved in the project towards a common vision and ensuring clarity and accountability throughout the project lifecycle.

What is the plot events of project mulberry?

"Project Mulberry" by Linda Sue Park follows Julia and her friend Patrick as they work on a school project to raise silkworms. Through their project, the two friends confront issues of identity, race, and friendship. The story blends elements of realism with meta-fiction, creating a narrative that challenges the reader's expectations.

What does short over view of the project mean?

Short overview of the project most likely means a general summary of what the particular project is about.

What is prospectus?

Prospectus is a formal summary of a proposed venture or project.

Where to read project mulberry online?

To read full versions of books, you can go to You have to sign up, but i think it is free.

How do you summarize the end of a project?

The most important part of the final project summary is to confirm you completed the project to standard. Highlight the key tasks and some meaningful incidents (both positive and negative). It you had been doing your job right, you had produced many summary reports throughout the time period of your project. It is a good practice to include the highlights of these periodic reports in your final summary.