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39 grams per 12 ounce can.

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βˆ™ 13y ago
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βˆ™ 12y ago

a can is 39grams

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Q: What is the sugar content in coke?
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What is the name of the content in coke that causes damage to teeth?


What is the sugar content in white zinfandel?

How much sugar is in White Zinfandel as opposed to coke?

How many sugar cubes in a Coke?

A standard 12-ounce can of Coke contains approximately 9-10 grams of sugar, which is equivalent to around 2-2.5 sugar cubes.

Which is worst for your teeth sprite or coke?

They have similar carbonation and sugar content. They are about the same on your teeth.

What soda coke ginger ale or sprite will rust a penny the fastest?

Coke will rust a penny the fastest due to its high acidity and sugar content. Ginger ale and Sprite have less acidity and sugar, so they would not rust a penny as quickly as Coke.

Can coke dissolve a chocolate bar?

Yes, it will disolve in diet coke and coke zero as both these products do not have sugar in them, but regular coke has a very high sugar content already and adding even more sugar may result in some sugar not disolving because the coke is already saturated.

How many calories in a rum and coke drink?

From the rum. It's got an incredibly high sugar content.

How much grams of sugar is there in a coke zero?

A can of coke zero has OVER 9000 GRAMS OF SUGAR

Why does a diet coke float and a coke sinks?

Because a regular coke is more dense and has more sugar. A diet coke has more sugar

Is coke makes you fat?

That question does not make sense, but if you are asking if coke makes you fat yes, it has many calories, lots of sugar content, and fat conent. sugar in the stored formed is called glucose and unless it is burned off. it can be stored and weight can be gained.

How does coke kill sperm?

Coke has a high caffeine content and acidity that may affect sperm motility and viability. Excessive consumption of coke can lead to increased oxidative stress in the body, which can harm sperm health. Additionally, the sugar content in coke can also negatively impact sperm production and quality.

Which is better Diet Coke or coke what ingredients does Diet Coke have and coke has?

diet coke doesn't have any calories so that means that there is no sugar in it which gives it the diet taste, so coke has sugar. so dose coke zero!