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Q: What is the silver material that wraps leftovers?
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What is the meaning of hemp?

Hemp is the burnt leftovers of a weed plant and made into a special material

What are distillation leftovers called?

The leftovers from distillation are called "residue" or "distillation residue." This is the material left behind after the desired components have been separated through the distillation process.

What is spare material called?

Excess or additional materials are commonly referred to as scraps, leftovers, or surplus.

What is the DNA material within a cell that wraps around proteins called?

The DNA material within a cell that wraps around proteins is called chromatin. Chromatin is composed of DNA and proteins, mainly histones, which help in compacting and organizing the DNA within the cell nucleus.

What type of material is silver?

Silver is a metal.

Does Eric kill the king of Mississippi?

No, he wraps Russell Edgington with silver and encases him in concrete in the season 3 finale

Is yourex silver solid silver?

No, my material makeup is not solid silver.

Do magnets attract silver?

No because silver is a diamagnetic material.

Are the silver really all silver?

no silver coins is not silver it is a iron kind of material thx from jordy

Where are tortilla wraps come from?

There are too many types of wraps to address your question properly: hand wraps, leg wraps, cigar wraps, salad or sandwich wraps, gift wraps, silk wraps, head wraps, etc.Please feel free to ask your question again with more detail so that we may help you to obtain the answer you seek.

Is silver magnetic material?

Silver is not magnetic. It is a non-magnetic material, which means it does not have magnetic properties and cannot be attracted by a magnet.

How do you bandage a horse's legs for trailering?

you can use polo wraps. They are soft cotton material that you wrap around the leg below the knee.