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what are the problems faced in wine of astonishment

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Q: What is the problem in wine astonishment?
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What are the literary devices used in chapter 3 in the wine of astonishment?

literary devices that is used in chapter 3 in wine of astonishment

Who is Eva in the wine of astonishment?

she is the wife if bee, and the narrator of the story.

Who are the major characters in wine of astonishment?

Bolo, Bee, Ivan Morton, Eva

What point of view of wine of astonishment written in?

it is written by a first person pov

Why did earl lovelace write a wine of astonishment?

because the people of Trinidad were suffering

What are the themes that are brought out in the wine of astonishment chapter one?

women in society, racial prejudice and......................

Who is Ivan morton in the wine of astonishment?

he was an elected member of the legislatively. he was selfish in that he failed the members of his community.(Bonasse)

Why is Bolo popular with the villagers and not Mitchell in the wine of astonishment relating to chapter 2?

because bolo is the champion of stickfighting

What is the meaning of the title for the book 'The Wine of Astonishment' written by Earl Lovelace?

It means a combination of different emotions and hardships that ferments to produce good quality and results like how wine is made due to the combination of different bushes and herbs to create a flavourable and delicious drink called wine

How did Ivan Morton betray the people in The Wine of Astonishment?

Ivan Morton betrayed the people in "The Wine of Astonishment" by using his position as a government official to manipulate and exploit them for his own gain. He deceived and oppressed the villagers, contributing to their suffering and injustice.

Where did the novel The Wine of Astonishment happen?

The setting of the book was in bonasse, Trinidad during the period of the Prohibition Ordinance (1932-1951)

What is the importance of religion to the people of bonasse in the wine of astonishment?

The characters in the story are Spiritual Baptists who have been persecuted for their religious beliefs.