The Alpino Vino Restaurant in Telluride, Colorado, is the highest restaurant in elevation in North America at 11,966 feet.
the golden birch has the highest btu rating followed by hard maple for trees found in eastern us/canada Actually the osage orange tree has the highest btu rating of any wood in the united states.
The best Greek restaurant in San Diego is probably Cafe Athena, having the highest Zagat rating of 25/30. This is located on 1846 Garnet Ave, San Diego.
from a customer or a food critic
The highest rating given to a top quality diamond is D-Flawless.
Jerry Seinfeld is the comedian with the highest TV rating of all time.
Presuming you mean "chief", the highest ranking officer in the British army is called a Brigadier.
In France, a restaurant can receive a 3-star rating at most.
The highest obtainable DOT rating for automotive tires is AA for Traction and A for Temperature. This rating is obtained by a variety of tires from various manufacturers.
actually, the highest rating was an earthquake in Chili, coming in on a 9.5
the highest rating for the arena is the top 1% of the onyx division. that means you are he best of the best.
Any Insurance company that has an AM Best A+ rating. That's the highest rating a company can get and almost all of them do.