1/8 teaspoon of garlic powder is equivalent to 1 garlic clove. Either may be substituted for the other.
The amount of ginger powder in 1 teaspoon can vary depending on how finely ground the powder is and how tightly packed the teaspoon is. On average, there are approximately 1,000 milligrams (mg) of ginger powder in 1 level teaspoon. However, this is an estimate and may not be precise due to factors like particle size and density. For more accurate measurements, it is recommended to use a digital scale to weigh out the desired amount of ginger powder.
Although some recipes are quite sensitive, in most cases the difference between one half and one quarter teaspoon of baking powder would not be noticed.
1/4 teaspoon onion powder plus 1/4 teaspoon garlic powder to equal 1/4 teaspoon asafetida powder. Caution the equivalency is NOT exact since true asafetida tends more to the onion flavour rather then the garlic flavour. Perhaps best to use heaping teaspoon gor onion powder and levelled off teaspoon for garlic powder
This is dependent on how heavy turmeric is. Most powdered spices weigh about 22.7 grams (4/5 ounce) per cubic inch. More or less. A teaspoon is 0.30 cubic inches in US measure (slightly less in imperial measure) So a teaspoon of most spices weighs about 7 grams more or less, or 7000 mg. To be sure, on the container is a gram weight. Measure out the turmeric in teaspoons and divide that amount from the weight.
Approximately 2 teaspoons of agar agar powder is equivalent to 7 grams.
1 teaspoon (5 grams) baking powder 1 teaspoon (5 grams) baking powder
Add one rounded teaspoon of baking powder to each cup of flour. I frequently do this and it always work. Note - not a flat teaspoon of baking powder, not a heaped teaspoon but a rounded teaspoon!
A teaspoon is a cooking measure for a volume. It is equal to 4.92892159 milliliters or 4.92892159 cubic centimeters. Your powder would have to weigh 8 gm per / 4.92892159 liter which is a density of 0.61611519875 kg/l.
I don't know how much volume 4 oz. will be, but most recipes use the ratio of 1 teaspoon of baking powder to 1 cup of flour. Weigh the flour, measure it and find the amount of baking powder that way.
Approximately 1/4 teaspoon of vitamin C ascorbic acid powder is equivalent to 625 mg.