A restaurant should provide a place where the customers can enjoy their meals.
You can find a description of restaurant jobs at any job search place, or online at places such as monster.com. They not only help you find a job but give a great description.
A hostess is the person who greets people when they first walk into a restaurant. The job description is to greet customers and seat them.
A service crew usually refers to a fast food restaurant or restaurant. It is all the people that handle and prepare the food before it reaches the customers.
Any small food outlet with a drive thru svc is how I would describe.
A restaurant patron is a person who is eating in the restaurant. They "patronize" the restaurant.
Anything proper to the restaurant itself is the restaurant's, as is anything owned by the restaurant owner that is in service to the restaurant's function.
at a restaurant = in einem Restaurant
An international restaurant is a restaurant in a different country
The word meaning "a building in which people eat" is spelt restaurant.
Un ristorante italiano and una trattoria are Italian equivalents of the English phrase "an Italian restaurant." Context makes clear whether a literal description (case 1) or of a restaurant type specific to Italian culture (example 2) suits. The respective pronunciations will be "oon REE-sto-RAN-tey EE-ta-LYA-no" and "OO-na TRAT-to-REE-a" in Pisan Italian.
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There job is to make sure food is delivered hot and fresh in a timely manner and to the customers satisfaction. They also make sure that the front part of the restaurant is looking clean and organized.