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The grapefruit juice is a mixture of many compounds; a unique chemical formula doesn't exist; for more details see the link below.

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Q: What is the chemical formula for grapefruit juice?
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Does sprite have grapefruit juice in it?

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What are the negative effects of drinking grapefruit juice?

The negative effects of drinking grapefruit juice include negative interactions with certain drugs, which increase blood levels of the drug to harmful levels. Grapefruit juice inhibits a chemical in the intestine needed to break down many drugs in the body, making the drug become more potent.

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No. Some medications give instructions not to have grapefruit juice with the medicine. I know statins are explicit about not having grapefruit juice.

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What is PH of grapefruit juice?

The pH level for grapefruit juice is between 3 - 3.3

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No, apple juice is acidic.

Can you drink grapefruit juice while taking perindopril?

The warning label for Cardura does not say anything about grapefruit or grapefruit juice. Therefore, it should be safe to drink grapefruit juice while taking this medication.

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Does grapefruit juice cause Stroke or seizure?

No the drinking of grapefruit juice can not cause stroke or seizure .

How dangerous is taking grapefruit juice with amoxicillin 500?

No, there is no problem with amoxiciillin and grapefruit (juice or fruit)