

Best Answer

4 carbs unless your are talking white zin in that case it would be 9

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Q: What is the carborhydrate content of a three ounce glass of your rose wine and your zinfindel wine?
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Which of the following equals one standard drink?

One standard drink typically equals a 12-ounce beer with 5% alcohol content, a 5-ounce glass of wine with 12% alcohol content, or a 1.5-ounce shot of distilled spirits with 40% alcohol content.

What is wrong with statement A 4 ounce glass of liquor will have the same effect as 4 ounce glass of beer?

The alcohol content is greater in liquor than beer. The effects of alcohol will be greater in the 4 oz. of liquor, typically by 6-10 times greater.

How many pints in a glass?

Depends on the glass...but a 16-ounce glass has one, a 32-ounce glass has two and the 64-ounce drink cups you can get at your better-stocked gas stations contain four.

How many grams is an 8 ounce glass?

An 8 ounce glass of water is 236 grams.

How do you get 8oz using a 10oz and a 6oz glass?

Fill the 10oz glass half full Fill the 6oz glass half full Pour both the 10oz & 6oz glasses into a new glass, and you get 8oz. (10 / 2) + (6 / 2) = 8 Fill the 6 ounce glass and pour it into the 10 ounce glass. Refill the six ounce glass and finish filling the 10 ounce glass from it. Now you have 2 ounces left in the smaller glass. Add another full six ounce glass and you have 8.

What is the Name of a 1 ounce shot glass?

A one-ounce shot glass is commonly called a "jigger."

Calories one glass of red wine?

Ninety to 105, depending on the sugar content of the wine. That's in a standard 6 ounce serving.

How long it take for alcohol to leave the body?

8 hoursIt depends on how much you drink. One 8 ounce glass of beer, 5 ounce glass of wine, and one shot all have the same alcohol content. Just drinking one of those would take your body at least an hour for the alcohol to leave. It also depends on your weight.

Is a fluid ounce the same as an ounce?

No. A fluid ounce is a measure of volume, related to liquids and fluids. An ounce is a unit of weight or mass. A glass of water can have both - the glass and water together have a particular weight or mass but the water inside the glass has volume and is measured in fluid ounces.

How many glasses of water is one ounce?

A glass of water is most likely more then one ounce. One ounce is quite a small amount for a glass of water.thank u um i looked at the Q and was like um that's stupidly layed out

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How many calories in a 8 oz glass of merlot?

There are approximately 400 calories in an 8 ounce glass of Merlot