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According to the folks at the local Farmer's Market a bushel of shelled peas is 10lbs or should I say that's what they sell it as.

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4y ago
And that is correct. I worked at wholesale Farmersmarket for 30 yrs. We sold bushels shelled weighing 9-10 pounds after we picked bad peas out.

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Q: What is the Actual weight of a bushel of shelled peas?
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Weight Pink eye purple hull peas a bushel shelled?

Thirty five pounds of shelled peas per bu of unshelled. Approx 8 quarts per bu of shelled peas from a bu of unshelled.

How many pounds does a bushel of peas weigh shelled?

a bushel is 56 lb

How many pound of peas in a bushel shelled?

56 lb

How much should a bushel of blackeyed peas cost shelled?

About $12.

How much does a pound of shelled purple hull peas cost?

I'm not sure about a gallon but I am currently growing purple hull peas and I have been selling then by the bushel and have been getting $18 for unshellled and $22 for shelled. Some people in my area (Alabama) have been getting as much as $24 and $25 a bushel. Hope this helps......Lori :)

How many five gallon buckets make a bushel of peas?

It takes about 7.5 pounds of peas to make a bushel of peas. This means that it takes about 1 1/2 five gallon buckets of peas to make a whole bushel of peas.

How many quarts of shelled purple hull peas should an unshelled bushel yield?

Check out this website: I would think purple hull peas should be around the same as field peas. If I find out differently, I will come back and try to correct this entry.

How many quarts of peas makes a bushel?

37.27 quarts Given that 37.27 quarts does indeed make a bushel of peas, there is another point of view that needs to be considered. If you are purchasing peas directly from a farmer, you normally buy them unshelled. A bushel of unshelled peas will not give you 37.27 quarts after you shell them, far from it. Normally you can expect only about a gallon of peas (4 quarts) after shelling a bushel of peas. If however the farmer is generous, you might actually get 5 to 6 quarts. This is what is called a 'round' bushel. That is, heaped until peas fall out of a bushel basket.

What is weight of one hamper of picked peas?

The weight of one hamper of picked peas can vary depending on the size and capacity of the hamper, as well as the amount of peas it contains. Typically, a hamper of picked peas could range from a few pounds to around 20-30 pounds.

Is shelled a verb?

"Shelled" is not a verb on its own. It is typically used as an adjective to describe something that has had its shell removed, like "shelled nuts" or "shelled peas."

How pounds is one bushel of chickpeas?

25 pounds is equal to a bushel of peas that are still hulled.

For digestive purposes how many shelled peas should you give a large fantail goldfish daily?

I would not give my goldfish any shelled peas. The best food for them is Earthworms.