

What is rooting powder?

Updated: 11/8/2022
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12y ago

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rooting powder has plant hormones, usually auxins, that assist plants in forming roots on cuttings. many gardners take small branches at the correct node, cut at a 45 degree angle, dip the end in rooting powder, and place in soil. the cutting then grows root, because of the rooting power inducing roots. some people use honey, or corn starch, though some plants don't need anything. catnip i know grows well if you cut a sprig and put in water, roots will form. marijuana usually needs powder, i think, at least all the sites i have seen requires it. this process for any plant is called cloning, becasue the offshoot will have the same genes as the mother plant.

rooting powder is sold in nurseries, garden centers, and plaes like Fred Meyer and wal mart. also, on the internet and amazon, eBay. ask local carmers if you really can't find any. there is much info on the internet, as different plants need different cuts, locations, growing light, soils, etc. rooting powder simply helps.

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