Pasteurization is a process that is used to kill the bacteria in milk and make it safer to drink, while still maintaining the flavor. Milk is pasteurized by bringing it almost to a boil and the cooling it.
It is a process (names for Louis Pasteur, a French scientist) in which milk is heated up after it is placed in cartons to kill bacteria present in the milk. This makes the milk safer to drink, and also makes it last longer without going bad. "Raw milk" refers to milk that has not been pasteurized, and although it is illegal in many states, some people still apparently buy it, claiming to do so for taste, health, or environmental reasons.
100 degrees
Louis Pasteur made a difference by pioneering the field of microbiology and developing vaccines for diseases like rabies and anthrax. His work on germ theory led to significant advancements in the fields of immunology and public health, ultimately saving countless lives.
Pregnancy ends up with delivery but then you have in hand a period, what is called Post Pasturation period or post pregnancy period. It is equally important period as pregnancy is ! Now Family has to look after two, instead of one. Mother has to under go changes, what are called as involution of uterus and a new thing starts along with delivery called as Lactation.(word related to milk feeding by mother.) There are so many other things in hand to do. After delivery, new born is very prone for various types of infections by microorganisms for first two months. So, a type of special care will be needed by Baby. It sleeps for 22 hours a day and wakes up mother almost every hour.1)When hungry, it means every 2 to 3 hours,2)When it gets wet, usually after every 2 to 3 hours 3) After a motion, it is 5 to 6 times a day.(So Mother comes next to GOD !)( And of course the Father, who perhaps, unable to express but undergoes the same pains. You can see a face of Father, waiting outside the Lab-our room!)