"Longhand" is a term to describe writing made using a pen to write on paper.
The longhand electron configuration for Sulfur is 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p4.
Longhand refers to writing in regular script by hand, as opposed to typing or using shorthand. An example sentence could be: "She preferred to write her journal entries in longhand to feel a deeper connection to her thoughts and emotions."
The longhand configuration for Be (Beryllium) is 1s^2 2s^2.
The longhand electron configuration of plutonium (Pu) is [Rn] 5f6 7s2.
Longhand is typically not quicker than shorthand, unless the person is not skilled at short hand. Shorthand was invented to be faster than longhand.
1,000,000,000,000 becquerels
On a clock!
The longhand electron configuration for Ar is 1s22s22p63s23p6 4s2 3d10. This accounts for a total of 18 electrons.
When we write a number out longhand, we spell out the numbers. Twenty three is 23. Four hundred ten is 410. Two million three hundred sixteen thousand forty seven is 2,316,047. You get the idea. We are said to be writing the number in longhand or writing the number out in longhand. Longhand is usually thought of as the cursive handwriting style we use when we sign our names or when we practice penmanship. In general, we connect letters together so the connected letters form a word. Another definition is the one that applies here. "Longhand: having words written out in full by hand." That from the Free Online Dictionary (adjective). Mirriam Webster has the noun "longhand: characters or words written out fully by hand."
Charlotte Bronte primarily wrote in longhand. She used pen and paper to draft her novels, including "Jane Eyre," rather than a typewriter.