A glass is just small sized.So pitcher is not a glass.It is used to serve drinks then put in a glass.A glass with a handle might be a mug or coffee mug or cups.
The stem of a drinking glass typically serves as a decorative and functional element separating the base from the bowl. It provides stability and allows the glass to be held without affecting the temperature of the drink. The base of the glass provides balance and prevents tipping over.
For Glass- like used for drinking- its called "pela" For Glass- like the one in mirror- its called "kach"
The stem.
Tumblers and footed glasses are both drinking vessels. A tumbler has a flat bottom that rests on a surface while a footed glass has a stem or feet which it sits on.
It is not possible to physically get a drinking glass out of another drinking glass as they are solid objects. You would need to pour the contents of one glass into another or use a tool to remove it.
Locks have what are called tumblers. Your ignition key turns the lock within the tumbler assembly. The tumblers fall into the groves on the key allowing it to turn. Insert the wrong key and the tumblers are not aligned properly and the key will not turn.A tumbler is a flat-bottomed glass with no handle, foot, or stem.
If you are referring to the beer drinking vessel similar to a Chalice or Goblet but with thicker walls and a thicker stem then they are typically 16 or 20oz, this is most commonly called a schooner. There also exists a drinking vessel of 6 or 8 oz that looks like a small water glass that is less commonly called a Schooner.
Its wear there is no rubber gromet for the stem and bowl, with a glass-on-glass setup the bowl and stem are 'frosted' and fit together withour a rubber seal
A Cocktail Glass is also sometimes called a Martini Glass. Martini Glasses have a flat base with a bowl on top of a stem and are used to serve Cocktails.
A goblet is just a fancy glass. It usually has a cup that holds the liquid, a narrow stem, and a wide base. It is often made of cut glass and used to hold water or wine.