Poke it
Blue bottle flies the adult ones eat nectar. The blue bottle flies larvae eats carcasses, dead meat or animals, and living animals that have open wounds.
Blue bottle fly was created in 1758.
Calliphora vomitoria is the formal scientific name for the Blue bottle fly.
question: what is the habbitat of a blue bottle jellyfish. Answer: Australlia and florida
There are 1.2 units in every small bottle of blue WKD
it is blue and is found on the beaches
Red leaf+rock+Green bottle= pet rock that will help you in the battles red leaf+Green leaf+Blue bottle=health potion Blue bottle+Green bottle+Puurpal bottle=Black face Green Herb+Blue bottle+Green bottle= Green Hair Green Herb+Green bottle+ purpal bottle+Mana Poishion Green Herb+Red leaf+Rock= Teliportaion spell (use once) purple bottle+Blue Bottle+green herb = talk backwards
Yes. If you happen to see or run into a blue bottle jellyfish, you better swim away.