226 grams are in 1 cup.
Yes, 1 cup is equivalent to 16 tablespoons, not 32 tablespoons.
An US cup is equivalent to 8 fluid ounces.
1 cup
Typically, 1 cup of mashed bananas is equivalent to about 2-3 bananas, depending on the size.
It varries per brand and based on what ingredients are used. For tomato-based salsas, usually 5 to 25 calories per serving. For corn- or bean-based salsas, about 40 to 60 calories per serving.
1 cup is equivalent to approximately 0.24 liters.
1 cup is equivalent to 8 fluid ounces.
Yes 1 cup = 48 teaspoons 1 teaspoon = 0.02 cup
250 ml of orange juice is equivalent to approximately 1 cup.
1 cup is equivalent to 0.25 quarts.
The volume of 1 cup is 0.2365882368 litres or 236.5882368 millilitres. It doesn't matter if it is a cup of milk, or syrup, or oil or anything else.