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There are two different "ounces" in cooking, one used to measure weight, and the other used to measure volume. Usually you can tell which is being used by the context. For example, when you say "a 12 ounce steak", you are referring to a steak that weighs 12 ounces. For the ounce of weight, you would measure it with a scale. The second "ounce" is a unit that measure volume, and this is measured using measuring cups. The ounce of volume can be referred to as a "fluid ounce", because this is the unit used when measuring fluids, as well as ingredients like flour, sugar, honey, etc. There are two different types of measuring cups as well, dry measuring cuos (the plastic ones that come in a set of differerent sizes, like 1/4 cup, 1/2 cup), and wet measuring cups (the small glass pitchers with lines on the side marking 1/4 cup, 1/2 cup) You can look up complete tables on line, but for this question you need to know that a cup is 8 fluid ounces. So, 12 fluid ounces would be 1.5 cups of whatever ingredient is being measured.

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17y ago
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15y ago

There are two kinds of ounces--a fluid ounce--a measure of liquid, which is two tablespoons--and

a weighed oz is 1/16 of a pound, and has to be weighed as different substances have different densities.

For water, a fluid ounce and a weighed ounce is the same.

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13y ago

ther are 8 fluid ounces in a cup so 12 ounces would be a cup and a half.

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17y ago

8oz x 12= 96oz

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