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Review your notes on a regular basis

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Q: What help you keep the information from your notes fresh in your mind?
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What will help you keep the information from your notes fresh in your mind?

Review your notes on a regular basis

What is the last thing you should do with your notes?

Review your notes to keep them fresh in your mind.

What if you are doing a science project what do you keep track of in your notes?

When you collect information, you should take notes of what happens and write down your data.

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Fresh vegetables are sprinkled with water at markets to keep them hydrated and maintain their crispness. This can help enhance their appearance by making them look fresher and more appealing to customers. Additionally, it can help prevent wilting and keep the vegetables from drying out.

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How does ice melting help keep food in cooler cold?

well i think its because it would keep your food fresh and be able to keep it for a whie

How do you keep dunkin' donuts fresh?

To keep Dunkin's Donuts fresh they can be stored in the box at room temperature. If Dunkin' Donuts are to be kept for more than a few days they can be refrigerated or frozen.

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set in fresh water

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Roses need sugar to keep them looking fresh longer.

How do you store cherries?

If they are fresh and ripe, it is best to store them in the refrigerator to help keep away mold.

What can you add to fresh squeezed orange juice to keep it fresh tasting and not turn bitter?

water can help make it less bitter try to water it out

How does the formation of ice on orange help the orange by freezing?

It helps preserve the orange and keep it fresh longer.