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The one that clare is on a t.v show with three men as a guest star they only want her opinion as an african american oh and as they said as a women! But not as a human being as she said while she was on the show she sent a man to make sure cliff (bill) doesn't eat any doughnuts the hispanic (cuban) gives him cuban coffee while they watch the show in the green room the cuban tells bill that his wife doesn't let him have doughnuts either he then picks up an eclair and says this is not a doughnut then bill says this is not a doughnut and claire walks in bill and her start talking then the phone in the green room rings its the director of the show she answers he asks her if she wants to be a regular on the show she says she has to think about it and looks at bil he says it's her decision she says no thank u and hangs up he looks at the cuban guy and says that is NO doughnut I love the cosbys! :)

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Q: What episode is it where Bill Cosby says this is not a donut?
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