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trocken is german for dry

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Q: What does trocken mean on a German wine bottle?
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In German or "auf Deutsch" you would say - "Eine Flasche Weißwein und zwei Gläser bitte" …. which means a bottle of white wine and two glasses please.

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Has your wine cork disintegrated, causing any issues with your bottle of wine?

No, the wine cork has not disintegrated and there are no issues with the bottle of wine.

Can you explain why there is beer in a wine bottle"?

Beer is not typically found in a wine bottle. If beer is in a wine bottle, it may be due to a mistake in packaging or labeling.

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Pinot in French means Burgunder in German, used when referring to kinds of wine.

How much ethanol is in a typical bottle of wine?

A typical bottle of wine is about 10% alcohol. There are different types of wine with all different amounts of ethanol, but a typical bottle of wine is 10% alcohol.

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