mm stands for 'millimeter' which is a metric measure of length, approximately 1/25 of an inch.
mm stands for 'millimeter' which is a metric measure of length, approximately 1/25 of an inch.
mm stand for milimeters. Milimeters is a measurement of length, specifically 1/1000 of a meter.
The precise measurement is 5.7 mm for the first value and 3.6 m for the second value.
In mathematics an MM degree stand for a Masters of Mathematics. Lowercase mm stand for millimeters.
6 mm is a measurement standing for six millimeters.
mm means millimeters in measurements
634 mm.
30 mm Is The Largest
mm WC stands for millimeters of water column, which is a unit of measurement used to quantify pressure. In the context of measuring flue pressure, mm WC is commonly used to determine the draft in a chimney or flue system of a combustion appliance.
MM = 2000