Depending on the restaurant either dark skinny jeans with a fabulous top and dressy heels or a dress but nothing with a plunging neckline maybe something that shows a little back but nothing dramatic with a nice heel and great handbag. Depending on the dress either updo or half way up. Never wear hair straight and all down with a dressy outfit. It looks like you rolled out of bed and put your outfit on.
Many different jobs.
phone book=)
No Mcdonalds is not a five star restaurant it is a fast food restaurant It would not qualify as a one star restaurant.
Restaurante de cinco estrellas
in a 5 star restaurant in Paris
The dinner was very exquisite because it was in a 5 star restaurant.
Tin Star - restaurant - was created in 1999.
Well, there is a rating scale that food critics have and its based on the atmosphere, type of service, food, price and owners/chef. A five star restaurant has the top notch of everything listed above, bar none. They arent necessarily expensive, its just that for the type of restaurant that is being rated, all of the 5 elements of a good restaurant are in place.
The bon viviant had a luxury dinner at the 5-star restaurant.
clothes, I hope. If you are in a five star hotel you can wear whatever you want. any decent clothes will do.
Star Seafood Floating Restaurant was created in 1986.
$17.00 an hour at a good 5 star restaurant $35.00 an hour for personal chef