The Golden Arches logo first appeared in 1962 however the first McDonalds opened in with that name opened in 1940.
The M of McDonalds.
The term applying to the golden arches of McDonalds is known as a trademark
The "golden arches" is not an actual location. They are rather, the nickname for the fastfood company, McDonalds, because their symbol of a big yellow M looks like two golden arches.
I think he likes spaghetti and mcdonalds, (the golden arches) is what he calls mcdonalds haha xx
Maybe you're driving closer and closer and closer to McDonalds?
The big M in the McDonalds 'just stylistically evolved.
The empire State Building.. The Golden arches at evry McDonalds( Sorry, I'm really hungry right now).
McDonald's jingle: 'Come to the golden arches, in your neighborhood. McDonald's golden arches...McDonald's make it so good"
McDonalds Arches
"Golden arches" in French is "arches dorées."