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your immune system

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Q: What do the bacteria have to fight to get into the body?
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Why do you have bacteria?

You have bacteria in your body because they fight off illnesses.

How can your body fight many diseases on its own?

Your body's immune system had antibodies that fight against the bacteria or virus infecting you.

What is job of a white blood cell?

They fight off germs or bacteria in your body. they fight off infection

Help the body fight infection in the body?

tea helps fight off infections as well as gut bacteriatea helps fight off infections as well as gut bacteria

How does bacteria affect human body's good and bad?

Good bacteria help in digestion of food and fight microbes invading the body. Bad bacteria can make people sick or spoil food.

Whenharmful bacteria enter the body through a wound how does th e body fight it?

When harmful bacteria enter the body through a wound, the immune system responds by sending white blood cells to the site of infection to attack the bacteria. The white blood cells engulf and destroy the bacteria to prevent the infection from spreading. Additionally, the body may produce antibodies to target the specific bacteria and help fight off the infection.

What is special about antibodies?

The benefits of antibodies is to fight off bad bacteria that entered your body. They are produced by B cells, and if they fail to get rid of the bacteria, your body would have a fever.

How is bacteria hurtful?

Some bacteria can hurt you but most of it is good. bacteria is what makes you sick ,yes. but bacteria is all inside your body to help fight against the bacteria or germs that makes you sick

What cant teeth do that other body parts can do?

teeth can not fight off of those bacteria and infection

What does yogurt gives to the body?

Calcium, and live bacteria that help fight off infections and illness.

What type of relationship is bacteria and skin?

bacteria and skin , well , they are connected bc bateria help fight off BAD bacteria && keeps yourr body healthyy :D

Why won't som antibiotics cure bacterial?

One possible reason could be that the bacteria has some how become resistant to the antibiotics used to fight it. If you take a certain antibiotic often, your body will start to become immune to its effects. Then when that antibiotic is needed to fight a bacteria, your body no longer registers the antibiotics as a way of killing the bacteria.