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What changes have you introduced into your current role?

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Q: What changes have you introduced into your current role?
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When electric current changes direction, it is called alternating current (AC).

Why don't you enjoy your current role?

My current role allows insufficient scope for my true creativity.

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to move away from democracy

Current that changes directions is call direct current?

No, that's Alternating Current.

What three innovations played a role in creating vast changes in American society during the Roaring Twenties?

There were a number of innovations which played a significant role. Assembly-line production of goods was a major one, as were improved oil refineries. The development of alternating electrical current controbuted to changes in society. Transportation played a role, as in the interstate highway system.

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The role of a manager in sudden changes is to ensure that there is a smooth transition. The manager has the duty to ensure that all departments adapt to the changes swiftly.

What type of current never changes direction?

DC (direct current).