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Q: What causes plastic wrap to stick to your hands when you pull it off the roll?
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How do you remove a dipstick from a Mercedes-Benz 190E?

well depending on which dip stick, the oil dip stick you just pull up and out. the transmission dip stick if its the same as mine, you have to flip a little plastic arm then pull up and out with a bit of force.

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You need to unscrew the plastic of the door and remove the plastic handle then get the window low you will see 2 plastic screw, unscrew and then you have to pull up the window with your hands. It's very easy.... :)

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There is a plug with a red plastic cap on the top of the transmission. Pull this out and you will see a dip stick. Use the dip stick measurements to determine if you need more fluid or not.

How do you say stick in American sign language?

Hi: I thought I answered this a few days ago.... hmmm..... Touch the index fingers and thumbs together. Then plsce hands side by side, and pull them apart in a straight line (as if you were holding a stick with the fingers, and sliding them down to the ends of the stick.

How do you say stick in sign language?

Hi: If you mean a stick - place the index finger and thumb of beach hand together; place the hands side by side, then pull them apart in a straight line. If you mean to stick - place one thumb moving down onto the other, and hold it there.

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under the hood there is a black plastic piece running across right above the headlights all you do is pull the plastic push inserts out using a pair of needle nose pliers or with you hands careful not to loose them. once the plastic covers off there are 2 bolts holding the headlamps in take them out them you will have access to the bulb pull the bulb out and repalce new headlamp

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The easiest way is to partially remove the wheel house liner and stick your hand through there. There should be some push clips that you can remove with a small regular screwdriver. Pull out the center part and then remove the whole push clip. At this point you can pull down on the plastic liner and reach through to the light socket. Small hands work well here.

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First, remove the plastic cover that covers the headlight/grill area. Once that is removed, there are two tabs that stick up on both sides of the headlight assembly. Use a pliers to gently pull them up and the assembly will pull out. When you pull the bulb out of the assembly, be careful not to break the tabs off the plastic ring that holds the bulb in place. Reverse the procedure.

Why do acrobats pull their hands during somersaults?

Acrobats do this to increase their rate of turning in somersaults. Tghe faster the rate of turning the more likely they will get their feet in position to successfully do the somersault with a "standing stick".

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Grab the stick and pull.

To make an airplane fly do you push or pull the control stick?

It depends if you want it to fly up or down. At take off you would pull the stick

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