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Canned/Tinned fruit will most certainly sink.

Most fruits straight off from the tree will float.

However, if the fruits are not ripe, they might sink as they are very dense.

A coconut will most certainly float.

A packet of biscuits (unopened) will float for a long time.

Oatmeal flakes will float for a while, then sink to the bottom.

Potatoes and carrots will sink.

Lettuce and cabbage will float


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15y ago
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14y ago

anything with a density less than that of water will float and anything with a density higher than water will sink

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17y ago

In what? Air? Oil? Lava?

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4y ago

3 things that float are boats, plastic (not good for the ocean) and a feather. These float because they are less dense than the water. 3 things that sink are rocks, iron and a sink (sink is what helps something stay in place e.g. A boat is staying in place, not moving about with the help of a sink). Hope this answer helps :D

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