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The first thing to note is that there are different types of wine bottles. The four most common are known as Bordeaux bottles, Burgundy bottles, Flute (Riesling) bottles and Champagne bottles. See here: Bordeaux bottles are a thin shape with straight sides. They are typically used in Bordeaux and for wines made of cabernet sauvignon and often sauvignon blanc and semillon from other countries (although not always). In the above picture, the Bordeaux bottle is on the left. Burgundy bottles are fatter at the bottle, second from the left. Generally used in Bordeaux wines and to hold wines made from pinot noir and chardonnay in other countries (almost exclusively, with few exceptions). Flute bottles are tall and thin, in the centre of the picture. They are usually used for aromatic white wines, such as riesling, pinot gris and grigio, gewurztraminer, Alsace wines and similar. While not necessarily true for the New World for pinot gris, this is however mostly the case. Champagne bottles are made of thick glass and are quite heavy. This is because they need to be able to hold the wine which is under pressure, up to 3 atmospheres (ie three times as much pressure as the normal atmosphere). They are similar in shape to Burgundy bottles, but thicker. Note that the New World does not always follow these conventions, mostly to keep costs down. It's easier to use the same bottle for all of the different wines you may produce. The base refers to the bottom of the bottle, including the punt, which is the indentation in the bottom which adds strength. The size of the punt does not necessarily do anything to the wine, but a deep punt can help with pouring and be quite impressive. However, the punt can help when pouring the wine. Generally you stand a wine upright for awhile before pouring it, so the sediment should collect around the bottle of the bottle, which is a smaller area when a punt is present. The body refers to the majority of the bottle, before it start to slope towards the top. The sloped part of the bottle is called the shoulder. So a Bordeaux bottle has a short and sudden shoulder while a Burgundy, Champagne and Flute bottle have long shoulders. The Bordeaux style shoulder is often handy with wines that produce a lot of sediment, as it helps collect the sediment when pouring it. Burgundy and Flute bottles are used for wines with little sediment. The top of the bottle, where the cork goes, is called the neck. There is one other term that may be useful, called the ullage. This is the distance from the bottom of the cork when the bottom is sealed to the top of the wine in the bottle when standing upright. The bigger the ullage, the worse for the wine. However, the ullage will generally get bigger over time and should be monitored. When the wine enters the shoulder of a bottle (particularly in Bordeaux bottles), you should consider drinking it.

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Ans 2 - the base, stem and bowl

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Q: What are the parts of a wine glass?
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A wine glass is can be called a wine glass, or a goblet, each type of wine glass has a different name that goes along with the type of wine.

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For drinking wine, the most popular wine glass color is clear glass, with no tint. Most wine drinkers prefer to see the color of wine in the glass. For decorative purposes, wine glasses come in a variety of other colors.

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The Girl with the Wine Glass was created in 1660.

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If this wine glass is made from common glass will crack.

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Yes, because a white wine spritzer is made of 1/2 a glass of wine and 1/2 a glass of soda water.

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Make a wine glass sing?

you need a wine glass for starters, you wet your finger, and you circle the wine glass with your finger, after the first circle. youll heall a faint note, wet your finger again and perform the circle once again, the wine glass SINGS