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1.5 Multiplied by 10 to the 17th power.

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Q: What are the odds of another earth type planet in your galaxy?
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What are the odds that the earth is the only planet in the universe to have life on it?

It is difficult to calculate the exact odds, but given the vast size of the universe with billions of galaxies and planets, it is statistically unlikely that Earth is the only planet with life. Scientists continue to explore the universe for signs of life beyond our planet.

What are the chances that earth is the only planet with life on it?

If the earth was the only planet in the universe to have life on it, it would be 1 in a 100 sextillion chance or 1 in 100,000,000,000,000,000,000,000. To give a comparison, that is the same odds of winning the lottery 6.6 quadrillion times. (average odds of winning the lottery is 1 in 15,000,000) Where did I get this number from? Scientist estimate there is somewhere around between 125 to 500 billion galaxies in the universe and in every galaxy there is between 10 billion to several trillion stars in each. I simply took 250 billion galaxies times 500 billion stars since each star has a chance of having a planet that has life on it.

What do you call the only planet inhabited by man?

If man developed on this planet first and only, then the Earth or Tellus is the only planet inhabited by man. It might be disputed if our planet is the first one or the only one. Science does not know for certain but the odds with to days knowledge are against theories of man coming to earth from other planets.

What is the possibility of life on other planets?

Isaac Asimov wrote that, in a decent-sized galaxy such as ours, odds indicate there would be a million planets with intelligent life equal or greater than Earth's.

What are the odds that a world similar to earth would have the same languages as earth?

The odds that a world similar to earth would have the same languages as earth are so minuscule as to be almost negligible.

How many earths can fit into the milkyway galaxy?

if the Milky way galaxy has roughly 100 billion stars in it like scientist believe. and the odds of this happning are one in one million. when you do all the math it works out to be 10000 earths in our solar system. but that's only if there really is one earth in a million stars. its almost impossible to know for certain

Can there be life beyond earth?

The question asks can there be life beyond Earth, and statistically the answer is almost certainly yes. The Earth falls in what is colloquially known as the Goldilocks zone - not too big, not too small, not too close to the sun, not too far away, the sun is not too hot, not too cold, etc. So finding another planet in the Goldilocks zone should be quite rare - let's say one in every million stars..Not to good odds for life elsewhere you might think. But consider this. There are over 1 Billion stars in the Milky Way Galaxy alone, and over 1 Billion galaxies in the universe. If the odds of having a life sustaining planet is 1 in 1 Million stars, then statistically we expect there are over 1,000,000,000,000 (that's 1 Trillion) life sustaining planets in the Goldilocks zone right now!.Our universe is so stunningly vast and plentiful - and yet on average so empty - it defies all human comprehension. But can there be life beyond Earth? Absolutely.

What other Planets in Our Galaxy have enough Oxygen to Sustain Human Life?

As of current knowledge, no other planets in our galaxy have enough oxygen to sustain human life. Other planets in our galaxy, like Mars, have trace amounts of oxygen but not at levels that would support human respiration without additional life support systems. The search for potentially habitable exoplanets continues.

Is there other life in the galaxy?

At the moment in time - there is no physical proof that there is life anywhere else bar Earth. However, given the magnitude of the Galaxy and the number of stars - 200 -> 400 billion, the odds on just one star having a planet or moon with life is pretty good. The chances of some form of life in our Solar System is pretty good also - Europa, Titan and Enceladus. Venus and Mars probably did have life. There is a good chance that Venus might have had aquatic life, but any chance of proving it has been melted away with the reforming of Venus's crust. Life is more than likely within the whole Universe, intelligent life is another question.

Is There Any Living Human Beings On A Planet?

No because Earth is the only planet that has life and other planets are too near and too far from the light and atmosphere has to be oxogenNone on this planet have gone out and colonized other planets. If there are any humans for any reason out amongst the stars not of our world, we have not yet met them.

Can a planet's rotation reverse direction if it is hit by a gigantic meteor?

Yes. But the odds are pretty small that it will happen.

Will dinosaurs soon invade our earth and take over - making us there slaves?

Odds are against it. The odds of aliens would be greater vs dinos.