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The first Four Caliphs are Called the Rightful (Rashidoon) Caliphs. They were in order of seniority: Hazrat Abubakr, Hazrat Umar, Hazrat Usman and Hazrat Ali (May Allah be pleased with them). The fifth Caliph was Hazrat Hasan (RA) who surrenderd his right to Hazrat Amir Muawya (RA)

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Q: What are the names of the first five caliphs?
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Were the first four caliphs missionaries to Africa?

First 4 Caliphs were not missionaries to Africa , but many other companions of prophet were .

What rulers followed the first four caliphs?

The Umayyad Caliphate came after the four Rightly-Guided Caliphs.

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How many caliphs were there?

There are four caliphs, namely: Abu Bakr assidiq, Umar Ibn Haddaab, Usman and Aliyu bn Abi Thaalib (RA)

What importance did Caliphs have in ancient times?

None. Caliphs came to power in the Medieval Period. As for the Medieval period, the Caliphs were the leaders of the Muslim Empires called Caliphates. The four first Caliphs were called the Rightly-Guided Caliphs and they also had some religious authority in Islam. Because of the barbarity of the Umayyad Caliphs, the religious authority left the Caliphs and vested in the local Imams. Religious authority would return to the Caliphs in the mid-1500s in the Ottoman Empire until Atatürk abolished the Caliphate in 1936.

What are the names of the first five books of the Bible?

The first five books of the Hebrew Bible are: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy.

How are caliphs chosen?

All the first Four Caliphs were chosen in different ways. Later on it became a kind of Kingship, son following the father.

Which city was under the rule of the first four caliphs?

they were the damascus

Where did the first four caliphs expand the empire?

to northwest europe

How were the Umayyads different from the first four caliphs?

they ruled differently

What are generally considered to be the first five of the 99 names of Allah?

The 99 names of God or 99 names of Allah are the names of God by which Muslims regard Allah. The first five of the 99 names of Allah are "Ar-Rahman", "Ar-Rahim", "Al-Malik", "Al-Quddus" and "As-Salam".

Who uses the first five books of the Bible as their whole Bible?

one religion does not use the first five books exclusively. The Jews have different names for the first five books though, like the Pentateuch or the Torah