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Okay, here we go:


1. Do NOT bring food or drink and eat in the lab (you don't want to eat chemicals that God knows how got into your hands, right?)

2. Do NOT put knapsacks, or any other big stuffs on the floor so that people can trip on it. Put them in your locker.

3. DON"T ASSUME! Ask if you don't know or even unsure about little thing. BEtter be safe.

4. Do NOT wear excessive jewelry. Keep them in your locker till lab is over.

5. DO NOT wear contacts in the lab, wear your glasses instead.

6. No horseplay please.

7. Do NOT drink the nearest solution when you're thirsty! Sounds stupid but it happens believe it or not

8. NEVER put back chemicals into it's container when you already took it out, take only what's necessary.

9. DON:T run inside the lab please, it'll increase chance of you bumping into a person with hydrochloric acid, big no no.


1. Always wear a lab coat: long armed, knee length, pop button so that when you catch fire, you can easily take it off.

2. For long haired people, tie your hair back! Don't want to catch fire when you bend forward or dip your hair into chemicals.

3. It's a good practice to wash your hands when you enter the lab and when you're about to leave the lab.

4. Know where the fire extinguisher, eyewash station, and MSDS (material safety datasheet)

5. Have one lab book, note down anything in there about your experiment such that anybody who reads it can reproduce that experiment. Be meticulous.

6. ALWAYS wear gloves when dealing with chemicals.

7. Wear goggles when dealing with glasswares and chemicals (we scientist do not have to look cool in the lab, it's not the purpose, better be safe than blind)

8. Read instructions!

9. LABEL stuff! You always want to know what's inside a container, even if it's just water.

10. Wear full clothing please: pants, tied shoes (no flats please for girls), make sure the shoes are fully covering your feet. Hey, I said it, scientists are geeks, no fashion involved.

11. Clean up after you're done please; put the glasswares into the dishwasher if your lab has one, throw away used slides (if instructed so, if not then wash well and air dry), etc.

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13y ago
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11y ago

Here are some:

  1. Wear gloves
  2. Wear hair bonnet
  3. Wear protective gown
  4. Take a food safety course
  5. or take a food safety management training
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9y ago

There are a number of guidelines to be observed in the laboratory. Some of the guidelines include personal safety, taking sanitary measures and using protective gear during reactions.

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i did i reat now too.

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