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What is a measuring jug used for

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Q: What are the advantage and disadvantage of using measuring cup in measuring mass?
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If you are using a balance scale than you are measuring mass in what?

You are measuring mass in any system for which you have standard masses.

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My mooom and the advantage in meausurung with vernier caliper and the micro meter is grams mass length volume and all that measuring stuff

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Asexual reproduction does not include the fusion of gametes from two different individuals. Instead, it involves a single parent organism producing offspring genetically identical to itself through methods like binary fission, budding, or fragmentation.

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Measuring the mass of a solid involves using a balance scale to weigh the solid directly, while measuring the mass of a liquid typically involves using a container to hold the liquid and then weighing the container with the liquid inside. Liquids can take the shape of their container, so the mass of the container needs to be accounted for in the measurement.

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There is no formula for measuring the volume of irregular shapes. The mass can be measured by using a weighing scale.

How is measuring the the mass of a solid different from measuring the mass of a liquid?

Measuring the mass of a solid usually involves using a balance or a scale to directly weigh the object. In contrast, measuring the mass of a liquid involves first weighing a container, then adding the liquid and weighing the container again to determine the difference in mass, which gives the mass of the liquid.

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To get the accurate weight/mass before the objects gets wet.

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What can be used to compare the objects of mass?

Objects can be compared based on their mass using a balance scale, a spring scale, or by measuring their weight using a tool like a digital scale. The units for mass are typically measured in grams or kilograms.

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You could use indirect measurement to find the mass of a large boulder by measuring the displacement of water when the boulder is submerged in a container of water. By measuring the volume of water displaced, you can calculate the mass of the boulder using the principle of buoyancy.

The use of a triple-beam balance to determine the mass of a rock is an example of measuring by using?

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