All natural milk contains proteins.
Not all of it, milk contains sugars, proteins and fats.
Proteins from milk are precipitated.
Milk proteins are Whey and Casein.
Human Milk(:
animal proteins are called first class proteins.
Whey proteins are the milk proteins that are obtained by acidifying skim milk to pH 4.7 and removing the precipitated casein. Whey proteins are present for about 20% of total milk protein content.
i think the solid waste which remains after the sieving of milk
When protein are hydrolyzed, milk's proteins like casein are broken down into amino acids. The allergenic reaction of the milk's proteins are changed due to this.
The two types of proteins in milk are ceseins and whey. Caseins are coagulable (meaning that they can be converted to a more solid form), and whey proteins are non-coagulable.