Pocket dictionary, Concise dictionary, Desk dictionary,
Nothing, according to the dictionary.
Yes. In a reverse dictionary, words are listed according to their meaning.
The definition of Pretty Boy according to the Webster dictionary is "a man who is notably good-looking". The Webster dictionary notes that this term was first used in 1885.
According to the Urban Dictionary, the definition of the term "check it" is to look at this or listen to this. You can find the definition of more slang words and terms online at the Urban Dictionary website.
3s + 1
No, doofbag is not a word according to dictionary.com, the Merriam-Webster dictionary, and the Cambridge dictionary.
NOT according to Webster's online dictionary. http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/ganle
Children need to be out of a restaurant in Ontario at 1700 hours according to AGCO.
135=3s +15 120=3s 40=s
According to the Oxford English dictionary is a noun meaning a hissing but also an adjective meaning very hot; very striking
There are no perfect rhymes for lozenge in the English language. According to the Oxford Rhyming Dictionary, orange does.