Moet and Chandon Champagne is normally priced at around £25.00 or the equivilent of $50.00. But Your Most likely to find supermarkets discounting it to cheaper prices.
Champagne, more likely known as Möet & Chandon
last forever until is opened.
Moet y Chandon are the biggest producer, so possibly the biggest seller!
The company Moet offers several types of champagne. Some types of champagne that Moet offers are Imperial, Rose Imperial, Grand Vintage 2004, and Discover champagnes.
moet and chandon
Moet & Chandon offers various kinds of champagne: Moet Imperial, described as "vibrant, generous, alluring;" Rose Imperial, "spontaneous, radiant, exciting;" Reserve Imperial, "blooming, vinous, warm;" Nectar Imperial Rose, "flamboyant, gourmet, voluptuous;" Nectar Imperial, "exotic, rich, lively;" and Moet Ice Imperial, "intense, fruity, fresh."
6 I sell moet Chandon in my store in nyc herald square
Near Epernay, France
A Jeroboam of MoΓ«t & Chandon typically contains 3 liters of Champagne, which is equivalent to 4 standard bottles or around 20 glasses of Champagne.
Killer from Queen
Unopened, about 5 years.