Red wine can be stored, adequately, just a bit below room temperature. However, its taste is best preserved if it is stored in a cool place (55 degrees).
White wine should be stored at even cooler temperatures than red wine (45 degrees).
Moscato is best enjoyed chilled.
No, either keep it chilled or serve it.
Ambient foods are those that are stored at ROOM TEMPERATURE such as tinned foods, tinned meats etc. These would normally in their unprocessed state require refrigeration i.e. A ham which is raw will require chilled storage but once cooked and processed it can stay in a tin in normal temperature. Milk is a classic example where fresh milk requires chilled storage yet processed milk (long like) has the ability to be stored in room temperature. Chilled foods are those that re normally refrigerated between the temperatures of 1 degree to 7 degrees. These may not have been processed to allow for normal room storage i.e. packet hams, yogurts etc. There are some in this class that are not effected by temperature but which are stored in either ambient or chilled these are things like white wine, soda drinks etc. These are ambient but are described as "best served chilled". Chilled food are normally whose shelf life is effected by temperature i.e. fresh meats, fish dairy products that go off when subjected to room temperatures.
Refrigerating will help maintain its flavor; however, if you prefer your mustard to be room temperature, it is not necessary. There are no ingredients in mustard that spoil.
It does it no harm but it should be drunk at room temperature.
Port wine may be white or red and should be treated accordingly. Chilled for white and slightly less than room temperature for reds.
Personally I don't think they should be served at room temperature. I think they should always be chilled slightly but not a lot. They taste their best when not chilled too much.
Cakes that can sit at room temperature and don't need to be chilled.
Sauternes can be served at either room temperature or chilled. Chilling the wine will reduce its cloying sweetness.
optimal temp: 59 deg. Fahrenheit. Warmer than a fridge, but slightly cool.
Yes! It can be served room temperature as a red or chilled as a white. It is wonderful either way!