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Q: True or false Carbon dioxide production by yeast which is used in the rising of bread and the carbonation of some beverages takes place under aerobic conditions?
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The organism responsible for making bread rise and creating the alcoholic beverages does so under aerobic conditions?


What is the organism responsible for making bread rise and creating the alcohol in alcoholic beverages does so under aerobic conditions?


The organism responsible for making bread rise and creating the alcohol in alcoholic beverages does so under aerobic conditions?


What molecule is required for aerobic conditions?

The glucose molecule is required for aerobic conditions. Glucose is broken down into molecules that along with oxygen enter the citric acid cycle. This produces energy during aerobic conditions.

What is acenobacter?

ACETOBACTER is a genus of Gram-negative, aerobic bacteria found on fruits and vegetables, in alcoholic beverages , etc.

Glycolysis ends in the production of?

Glycolysis ends in the production of pyruvate, which can be further metabolized through different pathways depending on the availability of oxygen. In aerobic conditions, pyruvate enters the citric acid cycle to generate more ATP, while in anaerobic conditions, it can be converted to lactate or ethanol to regenerate NAD+ for continued glycolysis.

How does recovering oxygen uptake restores metabolic conditions?

Recovering oxygen uptake helps restore metabolic conditions by replenishing oxygen levels in the body, which is essential for aerobic metabolism. Aerobic metabolism enables the efficient production of energy in the form of ATP through the breakdown of glucose and fatty acids. Without sufficient oxygen uptake, the body relies on less efficient anaerobic metabolism, leading to the production of lactic acid and fatigue.

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Which organalle in a cell is associated with the production of energy by aerobic respiration?


Organelle in a cell is associated with the production of energy by aerobic respiration?


What is the meaning of Aerobic energy production?

Aerobic energy production is the process in which cells generate energy in the presence of oxygen. This process involves the breakdown of glucose and other nutrients to produce ATP, the cell's main energy source. It is a more efficient way of producing energy compared to anaerobic respiration.

Krebs cycle anaerobic or aerobic?

Aerobic. The Krebs cycle is a way of producing ATP using oxygen. The use of oxygen for energy production means Aerobic (as opposed to Anaerobic or without-oxygen).