To forbid the practice of making, selling, or using something means to officially ban or prohibit those activities. It indicates that the activity is not allowed by law or regulation.
To forbid something means to prohibit, ban, or disallow the practice of making, selling, or using that particular thing. It implies a restriction or a legal prohibition against engaging in the specified activity.
This is called Prohibition- the term is often associated with the nationwide ban on alcohol in the USA throughout the 1920s.
The three economic resources used for making, selling, and using goods and services are land, labor, and capital. Entrepreneurship is also a factor in making, selling, and using goods and services.
When using suggestive selling, you always have to consider the guest and making their experience better. Always be polite and discreet and not pushy or aggressive.
I forbid you leaving the house in that short skirt! You can't forbid me from walking on the grass. I forbid you to leave before your homework is done.