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Most likely the expiration date.

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Q: The date on a bottle of oil is it the expiration date or the born date?
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Does motor oil has a expiration date?

no it actually doesn't

What is the expiration date of canola oil?

It lasts for about a year uopened

Is there an expiration date for baby oil?

I have looked this up and cant find anything on it but I have a bottle that absolutley stinks.. there for i say its rancid.. oil can go rancid so im saying yes because this stuff smells horrible

Is Wesson oil good if it is over the expiration date?

The expiration date is the last date on which the manufacturer is willing to guarantee that it is good. After that date, it may or may not be good (for that matter, it's possible for it to go bad BEFORE the expiration date, though this is not terribly likely).

When do these oil change coupons expire?

Coupons are good until the expiration date listed on the individual coupon. The expiration date is generally found at the top of the coupon.

Does motor oil have an expiration date?

No, if the container has not been opened, it is good indefinitely.

Will canola oil spoil?

It depends what kind it is first you have to check if there is an expiration date.

Does mineral oil expire?

There's an expiration date on the mineral oil in the laxative / digestive health section of drug store.

Where would one find the expiration date or shelf life for Olay Skin Care products?

Typically the expiration date for any skin care products is located on the label or on the outer container. Makeup does not usually have an expiration date but there may be some products that do if they contain ingredients like olive oil.

Can you still use expired palm oil 1 year expired?

Is it an expiration date of a best before date? Best before dates have BB next to them usually. If it's a best before date, then it's fne and dandy, but if it's an expiration date then probably not good.

Can Fish oil tablets expire?

yes I'd throw them out. Why risk getting sick? If taking fish oil is important to you, it's better to just go get a fresh batch and not risk the expired bottle of fish pills making you sick and/or being ineffective.

How long can you keep cooking oil after expiration date?

Two things can happen to cooking oil over time. It can become stale, which means that the flavour becomes flat and unappealing, or it can become rancid, which means that it becomes sour. Either way, you don't want to use it. Either way, use your taste buds and ignore expiration dates. Oil stores better in cool places and when it is sealed, and when properly stored can be used long past the expiration date.