2 sticks of butter equals one cup use http://www.calculateme.com/Butter/Sticks/ToCups.htm to convert your sticks into cups 2 sticks of butter equals one cup use http://www.calculateme.com/Butter/Sticks/ToCups.htm to convert your sticks into cups
One stick, plus an additional half stick of butter equals three quarters cup.
1 stick of butter is 1/2 cup
Half a stick of butter is equal to one-fourth cup of butter.
1/8 th of a cup
One stick of butter equals 1/2 a cup so three sticks of butter would be a cup and half.
80 grams of butter equal 0.35 cups of butter. 1 gram of butter equals 0.004 US cups in butter volume.
half a cup of butter = 1 stick
Each stick is a 1/2 cup, so three sticks is 1 1/2 cups.
1 stick of butter equals 8 Tbs. or 24 tsp.; 8 tbs. equals 1/2 cup; 5 1/3 Tbs. equals 1/3 cup; 4 sticks of butter equal 1 pound or 2 cups.
1 cup
1/2 cup = 1 stick of butter
atleast four or three