That's pretty harsh to be saying let alone asking that. McD's is only one of many fastfood companies that reside in America, let alone the world, so it's not possible that it is responsible for "killing America," if that's what you want to call it. So the answer to this question is no, McDonald's is not killing America. It is corporate agriculture and a warped-minded federal government that is killing America, killing the people of America, more like, not silly old McDonald's.
Ever since the fall of the economy mostly fastfood shop as mcdonalds have benifeted. In Washington Sharz pun juhn bought mcdonalds for 16.000 000 000 dollars. its extremly expensive but gaurnteed to get you that much in 8 months.
Fastfood and farms and possibly a grocery store.
white castle
like fastfood like kebab
India's labors problems and solutions?
'The Real Slim Shady' possibly?
It's popular fastfood in southern Germany
The causes for the popularity of fastfood restaurants: #1- They are quick (hent the word 'fast') #2 They are convenient to get to ! #3 The food tastes very good (obviously, theres fat in it.) And the number #4 It is inexpensive !
There is not benifit. I dont think that they give out sholorships in fastfood.
If you have it everyday because it makes you fat its only a sometimes food
too many additives like sodium and saturated fats and fillers.