

Pictures of 3 basic food groups?

Updated: 11/11/2022
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12y ago

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photo of the three basic food groups

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Q: Pictures of 3 basic food groups?
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Pictures of the 3 basic food groups?

go food grow food glow food

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What are the example of basic group food?

the basic food groups are like as follows: 1:vegetable groups 2:fruits group. 3:meat group. 4:cereal group 5:milk group. these all are the basic groups in foods

What are 3 basic food groups needed by our body in order for us to physically healthy?

There are no 3 specific food groups, you must instead eat all in moderation. Without any one of them, you cannot be physically fit.

What are the basic 3 food groups?

Proteins - meat, eggs. Lipids (fat) - butter Carbohydrates - sugars, grains.

What are the 3 basic food groups and examples?

The 3 basic food groups are as follows: 1. Energy foods (energy-giving): Carbohydrates- wheat, rice, corn, fats or lipids . 2. Body-building foods: Proteins- soy, meat, poultry, seafood. 3. Protective foods (regulating): Vitamins & Minerals- All fruits and vegetables, as well as dairy products.

What are the 3 basic food groups and their examples?

The 3 basic food groups are as follows: 1. Energy foods (energy-giving): Carbohydrates- wheat, rice, corn, fats or lipids . 2. Body-building foods: Proteins- soy, meat, poultry, seafood. 3. Protective foods (regulating): Vitamins & Minerals- All fruits and vegetables, as well as dairy products.

What is the importance of the three food groups?

The three basic food groups are the: 1. Go Food 2. Grow Food 3. Glow Food Grains are Go foods, they help you run, jump and play all day. Fruits and vegetables are Glow foods, they help you have shiny hair and sparkly eyes. Milk and meat & beans are Grow foods, they help you to grow big and strong.

What are the 3 groups in classifying the units of measurements?

mass, length and time are the basic measurement units

3 basic needs of animals and humans?

Three basic needs of animals and humans are food, water, and shelter. These essential requirements are necessary for survival and well-being.

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How many food groups are represented in the food guide pyrimad?

There are six food groups. 1. Grains 2. Fruits 3. Vegetables 4. Meat, fish, beans, nuts 5. Dairy 6. "Junk Food", oils and added sugars