3 cans.
This is how the conversion works--
See this site (scroll to end):
Per this reference, a 15 oz can yields 1.5 cups drained cooked beans.
When cooking dry beans, they absorb a LOT of water and swell up.
1 cup dry = 2.5 - 3 cups cooked
Per the site, chickpeas are toward the 3X end of the scale.
You need to start with at least half a cup, dry. The first time, I would probably start with 2/3 cup to be sure of having enough, and measure the result. Use the extras for something else, or discard. Dry is cheap.
1 cup dried yields approximately 2 cups cooked, so 1/2 cup dried makes 1 cup cooked
One kilogram of dried fruit is equivalent to approximately 4.2 cups. This conversion is based on the fact that one cup of dried fruit weighs around 240 grams. Therefore, dividing 1000 grams by 240 grams per cup gives you roughly 4.2 cups in a kilogram of dried fruit.
500 grams mixed fruit to cup measurement
One 12 oz bag of whole cranberries equals 3 cups, so you're going to get 1.5 cups of cranberries for your 6 oz.
There are approximately 1.75 cups in a 16-ounce can of chickpeas.
There are two cups in a pound of beans. A small bag of beans is generally 16 ounces, which measures out to two cups.
36 cans, algebra 1....
There are 115 calories in 1 serving or 400 grams of boiled Chick Peas.
Chickpeas are about 172 gm per cup, so your answer is 1.744 cups.
1/2 cup dry orzo equals 1 cup cooked.
About 2/3 cup dried black beans will make two cups of cooked black beans.
Depends on volume of the cans