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U have to plant more

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Q: On McDonalds game how do you increase the soy?
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How do you empty the cistern on the mcdonalds simulator game?

you have to lower you soy

What to do when the cistern is full on mcdonalds vid game?

you have to lower your soy production

Why does the cows get dirty in the mcdonalds video game?

because no ones cleaning it so if you want them to be healthy you sell the land wait for a while and it should clear up,don'tput soy fields on top of it it will still be there.

Does eating soy increase your chances of having twins?

No, but if you have twins in your family there is a good chance of twins but soy stuff does not increase or decrease your chance of having twins.

Does soy products increase the size of a mans penis?


Can a vegetarian diet increase your estrogen level?

Certain studies have indicated that soy may increase estrogen levels in the body. So if your vegetarian diet included a lot of soy, it may be possible.

On the Mcdonalds video game what do you do when the cistern is full?

empty it

Does Burger King serve soy milk?

Yes, but they contain dairy products, so are unsuitable for vegans. Vegetarians on an ethical basis would not frequent McDonalds.

How do you motivate the cashier in mcdonalds game?

im push a button

When does the McDonalds Monopoly game end?

14th April 2010

What is the mobile number to text your codes to in mcdonalds monopoly?

The mobile number to text your codes in to McDonalds for the Monopoly game changes each year. As of August 2014, the Monopoly game is not active.

When does the mcdonalds monopoly game end for year 2011?

october 24