It is thirteen because the bakers often used to always make a spare so when preparing sets of cakes, buns, bread in dozens, if one went wrong it would not waste time etc. because there would always be a spare.
Generally a Baker's Dozen is referred to as 13, as in the 13th century King Henry III passed a law that made it a very serious offence for baker's to 'cheat' the poor by doing things such as baking hollow bread to save money and then selling it for full price. Baker's doing this could have their ears or hands cut off, so they started baking 13 for a dozen, in case one was burnt, lost etc. but mostly so they could not be accused of cheating the poor, as they sold 13 for the price of 12.
However later on in history a Baker's Dozen was also known as 14, though not nearly as much as it is known as 13, and 13 is technically a Baker's Dozen.
There can be 14 in a bakers dozen, tracing its origins back to England since the reign of Henry II, a bakers dozen was just a way to ensure compliance with weight regulation to avoid fine or punishment by adding an extra roll, bun, etc or two. In more modern times, if you order certain items from a bakery, specifically doughnuts, a bakers dozen is 14 as to accommodate the box size (13 would be a weird fit)
cookies in a baker's dozen
There can be 14 in a bakers dozen, tracing its origins back to England since the reign of Henry II, a bakers dozen was just a way to ensure compliance with weight regulation to avoid fine or punishment by adding an extra roll, bun, etc or two. In more modern times, if you order certain items from a bakery, specifically doughnuts, a bakers dozen is 14 as to accommodate the box size (13 would be a weird fit)
2 and a third dozen. 2 and two thirteenth bakers dozen. a dozen is twleve a bakers dozen is 13
A bakers dozen =13
A baker's dozen is equal to 13. So there are 13 hot cross buns in a bakers dozen.
twelve, but a bakers dozen is thirteen
Never heard of "bakers score" and "bakers gross", a bakers dozen is 13 because bakers used to throw in an extra bun for example if you ordered 12 buns, a baker would throw in one more making it thirteen, a score is 20 and a gross is 144, so if you go with the "bakers dozen" rule I suppose you add one to a score and one to a gross.
bakers dozen
yes a bakers dozen