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The countries in which Horlicks is distributed, such as the United Kingdom, tend to use the ddmmyyyy format. It stands to reason that the expiration dates of Horlicks labels use the ddmmyyyy format.

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Sabina Lindgren

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Q: Is the expiration date on Horlicks printed in the format ddmmyyyy or mmddyyyy It makes a difference especially when the dd is 12 and under.?
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#include<iostream> #include<sstream> #include<chrono> #include<ctime> std::string months[12] { "January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December"}; class date { public: date (std::string = ""); date (size_t dd, size_t mm, size_t yyyy); date (const date& dt): d{dt.d}, m{dt.m}, y{dt.y} {} date (date&& dt): d{dt.d}, m{dt.m}, y{dt.y} {} date& operator= (const date& dt) { d = {dt.d}, m = {dt.m}, y = {dt.y}; return *this; } date& operator= (date&& dt) { d = {dt.d}, m = {dt.m}, y = {dt.y}; return *this; } static bool is_leap_year (size_t year); static date today (); static bool validate (size_t dd, size_t mm, size_t& yyyy); size_t day() const { return d; } size_t month() const { return m; } size_t year() const { return y; } operator std::string () const; private: size_t d; size_t m; size_t y; }; bool date::is_leap_year (size_t year) { if (!(year%4)) return false; if (!(year%100)) return true; if (!(year%400)) return false; return true; } date date::today() { time_t tt = time (nullptr); struct tm *tm = localtime (&tt); return date (tm->tm_mday, tm->tm_mon+1, tm->tm_year+1900); } bool date::validate (size_t dd, size_t mm, size_t& yyyy) { // There was no year zero! if (!yyyy) return false; // There is no day zero! if (!dd) return false; // Check day and month combinations. switch (mm) { case 2: if (dd > 29 (dd > 28 && !date::is_leap_year (yyyy))) return false; break; case 1: case 3: case 5: case 7: case 8: case 10: case 12: if (dd > 31) return false; break; case 4: case 6: case 9: case 11: if (dd > 30) return false; break; default: return false; } // 10 dates were skipped during the switch from Julian to Gregorian if (yyyy==1582 && mm==10 && dd>4 && dd<15) return false; // The date is valid! return true; } date::date (size_t dd, size_t mm, size_t yyyy): d {dd}, m {mm}, y {yyyy} { if (!validate (dd, mm, yyyy)) throw std::range_error ("date (size_t,size_t,size_t) - invalid date values!"); } date::date (std::string ddmmyyyy) { if (!ddmmyyyy.size()) { date dd (today()); d = dd.d; m = dd.m; y = dd.y; return; } const std::string error {"date(std::string) - invalid argument!"}; const std::string valid {"0123456789\"}; // check for invalid characters if (ddmmyyyy.find_first_not_of (valid) != ddmmyyyy.npos) throw std::range_error (error); // locate first slash size_t s1 = ddmmyyyy.find('\\'); if (!s1 s1 ddmmyyyy.npos) throw std::range_error (error); // ensure no more slashes size_t s3 = ddmmyyyy.find ('\\', s2+1); if (s3 != ddmmyyyy.npos) throw std::range_error (error); // parse string std::string sd = ddmmyyyy.substr (0, s1); std::string sm = ddmmyyyy.substr (s1+1, s2-s1-1); std::string sy = ddmmyyyy.substr (s2+1, ddmmyyyy.size()-s2); std::stringstream ss; ss << sd << " " << sm << " " << sy; size_t dd, mm, yyyy; ss >> dd; ss >> mm; ss >> yyyy; if (!validate(dd,mm,yyyy)) throw std::range_error (error); d = dd; m = mm; y = yyyy; } date::operator std::string () const { std::stringstream ss; ss << d << '\\' << m << '\\' << y; return ss.str(); } int main() { date d; std::string input; while (true) { std::cout << "Enter a date (dd\\mm\\yyyy): "; std::cin >> input; try { date t {input}; d = t; break; } catch (std::range_error& e) { std::cerr << e.what() << std::endl; } } std::cout << "Date: " <<; switch ( % 10) { case (1): std::cout << "st"; break; case (2): std::cout << "nd"; break; case (3): std::cout << "rd"; break; default: std::cout << "th"; break; } std::cout << " " << months[d.month()-1] << ", " << d.year() << std::endl; }