No, they are not made of worms, nor do they have worms as an ingredient.
It is not recommended to use mothballs near bird seed or around birds as they contain toxic chemicals. Instead, you can try using food-grade diatomaceous earth or freezing the bird seed to kill the mealy bugs without harming the bird. Make sure to thoroughly clean the storage container and bird seed before feeding it to the bird.
do they r not made of worms
what is a mcdonalds smoothie made out of
No, McDonald's hamburger are nto made from worms.
No, tequila is not made with worms. The idea of worms in tequila is a misconception. Worms are sometimes found in bottles of mezcal, a similar but distinct spirit from Mexico.
no there made of mcdonalds
Mcdonalds Thailand:)
yes, worms are made up of cells and all cells have a nucleus.