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Yes, it will last a little longer, just remember to take it out for an hour prior to using it unless you prefer your red wine cold. Always remember, drink your wine the way you like it, never because someone tells you it must be consumed a certain way.

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13y ago
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13y ago

If a guest brings you a bottle of wine, you should thank them, let them know you look forward to trying it, and save it for another time. As host, you would have planned in advance what you will be serving your guests (possibly paired with food, etc) and should not feel that you have to deviate from that plan.

Also, you may not be familiar with how nice the wine is-- I had to stop myself from cringing when someone opened a very nice bottle of wine I had given them immediately and began to serving it to everyone (the recipient himself didn't even get to try it!).

Conversely, you should not bring a bottle of wine to someone's house and expect to drink it (unless it was a BYO or pot-luck dinner)-- it is not for you to dictate what others should serve at their own party.

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12y ago

Depends. If this is high-quality wine, the best thing to do is to wait for a special occasion, invite them over, and share the wine. If the moment is already a special occasion, ask the guest if they'd like to have some. Otherwise, just go ahead and pour them a glass.

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16y ago

Yes, you can store an opened bottle of wine in the refrigerator.

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14y ago

Yes, it is proper etiquette to bring any type of alcohol when going to someone's home for drinks. Wine is a fine choice.

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14y ago

If there is going to be drinking at the party, treat it the same as any other party. If you do not know, a good after-dinner cheese would be appropriate.

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No, but the host/hostess will appreciate it, if you do.

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When is wine ever a bad idea?

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Q: Is it proper etiquette to take a bottle of wine to an informal get together?
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