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No, unless the hangover were psychosomatic in etiology.

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Q: Is it possible to get a hangover from one 6 oz glass of wine?
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There are many different features of a Brandy Snifter wine glass. One unique feature of the wine glass is the tulip shape of the glass, designed to show off the bubbles.

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What does one glass of red wine equal?

one beer

How many fat calories have one glass of wine?

I do not know of any fat calories that have glasses of wine....and if you were asking how many fat calories are in a glass of wine the answer is zero. There is no fat in wine unless you have some super funky dunky wine.

How many grapes are needed to make one liter of wine?

There are about 6 wine glasses in 1 liter. This may vary depending on the size of the glass but the standard wine glass is about 250 ml but wine is not usually served in a full glass.

Is the glasS of wine considered as serving of alcohol?

Yes. In general, one glass of wine or beer has one ounce of alcohol, which is about the same amount as one shot of "hard" liquor such as vodka, whiskey or rum.

Which wine glasses can I be proud of giving someone as a gift?

The expensive Riedel wine glass is considered one of the best

How long does it take for alcohol to completely clear out of the bloodstream if you drink a large bottle of wine everyday for two years?

It depends how much you drink. One drink will completely clear in one hour. An hour per drink(ONE shot of hard liquor, OR one 8oz glass wine, OR one 12oz beer). So if you binged on a 12 pack you are screwed till the next day, yet you can still feel the effects of the dehydration(hangover)

Is one glass of red wine ok every evening?

As long as it is a small glass and you don't drink excessively on the weekends, then yes, wine is considered good for your heart and blood.

Calories one glass of red wine?

Ninety to 105, depending on the sugar content of the wine. That's in a standard 6 ounce serving.

Is one glass of red or white wine bad when you have gastritis?

Drinking alcohol (beer, wine or liquor) helps reduce gastritis.