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Q: Is it okay to drink red wine before having a nuclear stress test?
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Can you drink alcohol while having radioactive iodine treatment?

You can drink alcohol AFTER the treatment.Avoid drinking 1 week before and 1 week after the treatment just to be sure that your body is absorbing the nuclear medicine and not the alcohol.

Put your mark on it before having a drink?

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How does Starbucks deal with stress?

they drink coffee and it relives stress

What percentage of people drink alcohol to relieve stress?

85% of people drink because they think it reliveves stress

Can you eat food before having myocardial perfusion scan?

you can not eat or drink at least 4 hours before the procedure

How do you feel after a nuclear stress test?

After a nuclear stress test, you may feel tired or fatigued, but this is typically temporary and should subside within a few hours. You may also experience some soreness at the injection site. It is important to follow your healthcare provider's post-test instructions and drink plenty of fluids to help eliminate the radioactive tracer from your body.

If you drink one drink a day to relieve stress are you an alcoholic?

no, dude!

What causes family stress?

If your parents argue or drink alchohol too much, or if family members have bad relations.

What are natural things you can do to prevent seizures?

i have had seizures before in the past, and my neurologist told me that the best thing you can do to minimize your risk of having another seizure (other than taking meds), is to minimize the amount of stress you put your body through. this basically means: get a good night's sleep, eat properly, don't drink/do drugs, etc.... minimize stress on your body

What is the connection between stress and what you eat and drink?

You think that you're satisfying yourself from your stress but really you aren't.

What influences ones decision to drink?

Many factors can influence the decision to drink. Peer pressure and stress are two of them.

What can you do to lessen stress?

be happy always and don't get mad and drink medicine